New event for this year’s Mananan Festival

We’ve added a final event to this year’s Mananan Festival to wind down on Sunday afternoon.


The award-winning war novelist Shirley Mann, will be talking about and signing copies of her new book, ‘Bridget’s War,’ as the final event of this year’s festival.

The book features a policewoman in the Rushen Internment Camp on the Island and is the fourth in a series of books inspired by real women who served in World War 2.  

‘Bridget’s War’ takes the series full circle as the author’s first book, Lily’s War, was influenced by  her parents’ wartime romance – her mother was a WAAF in Bomber Command and her father was in the Eighth Army. The couple moved to the Isle of Man when her father retired and they are both buried at Malew. 

Shirley will be joined by the Gobbag Groove Choir singing a mix of war and traditional Manx songs, and Pam Crowe who helped to write the Friend or Foe? book that chronicled the internment years. 

This launch is free of charge but please book a ticket in advance to give us an idea of numbers and ensure you have a seat: BOOK TICKETS