June 27 @ 7:30 pm

Adults £22 / Under 18 £2
Creeaght is a new composition by Isla Callister. ‘Creeaght’ is the Manx word for ‘courage’ and this musical project celebrates the role women have played in Manx history. The piece was originally commissioned by Culture Vannin and premiered at Yn Chruinnaght Festival 2022 with an all-woman ensemble.
The first half of the show will be a showcase of Manx and Scottish traditional music comprising short sets from Mera Royle on harp, Annie Kissack, who will read some of her poetry and Isla Callister and Anna Garvin on fiddle and piano.
Featuring music and illustrations that have been inspired by the lives and legacies of women who have shaped the history of the Isle of Man from the late 1800s to the present day, Creeaght explores different narratives, places and points in time.
Cultural figurehead Sophia Morrison, minority rights campaigner Angèle Kneale and the women behind the law-changing campaign for abortion reform and Handmaids IOM are the focal point of Creeaght. Their remarkable stories of resilience, collaboration and courage are bound together in the story of Mann, and it is time for the stories to be shared and celebrated.
The performance features artwork by award-winning Manx illustrator Jo Davies, who has bought the stories of these women to life through her illustrations